22 févr. 2021 | Tech & Innovation

Your nutraceutical products from start to finish!

The conception of a nutraceutical supplement involves precise methodology and steps. From the definition of technical specifications to industrial production, your product must remain faithful to the specifications and regulations in force. 


A good concept

A product brief established by the brand

The conception of a nutraceutical product involves precise methodology and steps. After realistic and comprehensive market research is carried out, encompassing customer needs analysis, trend intelligence and a competitive benchmark, a nutraceutical concept is clearly defined and set out in a product brief.

In this step, all the product details have to be clearly and precisely established and the target customers, key ingredients, desired format, nutritional composition, certifications, positioning, target market, as well as product promise have to be decided on. These fundamental choices are made by the laboratory. They make it possible to place the product concept within a range and in line with the brand image.


Specifications defined in collaboration with the manufacturer

The next step is to develop specifications. The laboratory establishes these alongside the manufacturer. They will serve as a reference throughout the product development and manufacturing phase. Specifications are an essential tool for defining and determining the scope of your project.  They precisely establish the industrial characteristics of the product. They represent the input of the industrial design and production of your nutraceutical supplements. They detail the product specifications. Any deviation from the specifications is considered a non-compliance.

The cost price defined by the manufacturer, for raw materials and packaging, but also for the manufacturing itself, will enable the brand to define its target product sales price for retailers and set a recommended retail sales price.

The specifications thus include all the details of the product brief, from the ingredients, from the desired format to the packaging, as well as consumer targets. It also defines the target price and launch date which will make it possible to work using a reversed schedule and follow the different stages of the project.

Effective and regulatory formulation


The definition of an effective formulation is the starting point for the creation of a nutraceutical. Indeed, this is the very heart of it. It regulates its efficacy and safety, both of which are of paramount importance.

At JLB DEVELOPPEMENT, there are two possible scenarios:


However, achieving an effective formulation requires several choices:


Selecting key ingredients and ingredients which set the product apart

At JLB DEVELOPPEMENT, a formulation team will help you select the right ingredients based on your specifications, the formula, the desired quality and your target price. We design cost-effective product solutions, with proven efficacy and safety and a formulation that remains specific to each of our customers and features key ingredients that will set your product apart from the competition.

Choosing the right from of supplement

According to the desired release method, as well as the desired effect of the nutraceutical supplement, and taking into account your target consumers and therefore the administrative regulations your product will be subject to, JLB DEVELOPPEMENT’s teams can provide you with a method adapted to all your requirements and which will guarantee the success of your nutraceutical supplement with consumers.

Validating the formula from a regulatory point of view

“Nowadays, regulations are there to regulate and properly govern what can and cannot be done. They will precisely define the product architecture, as well as determining how certain ingredients are used, how the formula is made and how it is sold.” Pascal Vialaron, Scientific Development Director at JLB DEVELOPPEMENT.

Before moving on to the production stage, it is obviously necessary for your internal regulatory department and specialised bodies (such as the DGCCRF in France) to ensure that your formula adheres to the regulations in force.

Before starting industrial production, at JLB DEVELOPPEMENT, we offer samples in the form of pilot batches or industrial tests.

JLB DEVELOPPEMENT guarantees that your data and your project will remain confidential.


Quality French manufacturing


And now, the final stage in the creation of your nutraceutical supplement: industrial production.

Industrial-scale manufacture of your product in our factories is included in our services. It includes the procurement of raw materials and packaging, the manufacturing process, packaging and delivery to the warehouse.

The JLB DEVELOPPEMENT quality management system ensures the compliance of your product with the specifications defined by you throughout the production chain, starting with the raw materials used up to the finished product.

JLB DEVELOPPEMENT has a product development site in Brignais, a liquid, semi-liquid and gel production site in Les Eparres and a dry powder mixing plant located in Saint-Paul Trois Châteaux. These three French sites guarantee an output (finished product) that is fully in line with your input (the requirements defined in the specifications) by providing you with unique French know-how: a genuine guarantee of quality that is recognised worldwide that you can highlight in your marketing communication.



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